jpg file Atomic Frontier Days Head Banner

Let's Look Around

   Relieved of these flood worries Richlanders' thoughts

turned to lighter things.  Local youth activities were

the recipients of benefits from the first annual Turtle

Derby.  200 turtles imported from the hills of Tennessee

provided an interesting afternoon and evening for those

habitues of the racing profession.

Model auto racing and miniature airplanes took over the

interest of their enthusiasts.  The ever popular stables

and the evening softball under the lights provides welcome

recreation for both participants and observers.

In late summer a new swimming pool exploded into being as

a non-profit organization was incorporated to build and

manage this much needed facility.

The accelerated installation of new facilities in North

Richland made news with the opening of grocery, drug and

department stores.  The organization of the North Richland

Improvement Association bade fair to make the construction

workers' community a model one.

        Calendar of Events

1:30 PM - KIDS FIELD DAY ............. Bomber Bowl

	Sack races, potato races, running, 

	jumping and all the rest

2:00 PM - TENNIS ....................John Dam Park

	Finals: Mens Singles

3:30 MP - ATOMIC JALOPY DERBY ......  Lee Blvd at
					Bomber Bowl

	Elimination by time trials.

	Length of course from stationary 

	start, 325 yards.

	Judges - B.K. Phillips, G.P. Church

	Inspectors - James Mc Cabe, D.B. Clay

		Continued on Page 31

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