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Let's Look Around

     Our brief look at Richland's past leads us to 

the present. But here too our look must be a quick one, 

if only because things move so swiftly here. So much of 

importance has taken place that comprehensive, condensed 

review is difficult.

It was in August of 1947 that David Lillienthal added 

credence to the theme "We're Here To Stay" with his 

statements regarding the permanency of the Project.  

G.E.'s vigorous President Charles E. Wilson and A.E.C.'s 

dynamic Carlton Shrugg provided the spark that touched 

off the accelerated tempo of construction.  The demand

for construction housing resulted in a new community, 

North Richland and expanded housing areas for Richland.

Months of feverish activity followed, Pre-Cut houses were

erected, Hanford barracks were wheeled into place in North

Richland and modern apartment units made their appearance.

Richland's school budget received a shot in the arm with

appropriations doubled.  Workers and residents began

Planting 1,700 trees to shield themselves from that center

of energy in the sky, the sun.  Here in itself is promise

of faith in the future.

        Calendar of Events

         THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 02, 1948

7:00-8:00 PM - KANGROO COURT ....... Village Square
               Judge: Dr. H. M. Parker

   Observing Posse members, ever on the alert,

   will continue to direct violators (non-
   wearers of Western Garb) to the information
   desk(?) of this high court

8:00 PM - BAND CONCERT ... John Dam Park

              Richland Village Band

            Sponsored by Villagers, Inc.

             Robert Fransham, Director

   1. "National Anthem" - March .........Bagley

   2. "Italians in Algiers" - ..Rossinni-Tobani

   3. "Pilgrims Chorus"

      "Evening Star" ....................Wagner

   4. "Gloria" - March ...................Losey

   5. "All the Things You Are".....Kern-Leidzen   

   6. "Ode To Rhythm"...................Walters

   7. "Victor Herbert Favorites.......M.L. Lake 

   8. "Reverie".................Debussy-Johnson

		Continued on Page 9

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