Let's Look Back
In the year 1943 a group of men sitting around
a table in Washington D.C. seriously watched as one
of their number pointed to a tiny spot on a large
scale map of the Pacific Northwest. RICHLAND! Here,
they decided, was the place! Thus was sown the seed
from which sprouted a great plant and a thriving
Within a few months the pastoral quiet of this
agricultural region was no more. Giant bulldozers
leveled great tracts of ground, massive trucks roared
day and night along erstwhile country lanes, new
roads appeared and factories exploded into being from
the desert sands. The fantastic barracks town of
Hanford materialized to house thousands of
constructions workers.
The nucleus of a vast, secret plant, born of wartime
necessity, had been created.
Calendar of Events
5:00-6:00 PM - KANGROO COURT ....... Village Square
Judge: C.F. "Chuck" Barnes
8:00-9:30 PM - KANGROO COURT ....... Village Square
Judge: L.S. "Les" Randall
All Violations of the Proclamation
requiring the wearing of Western Garb
on the streets of Richland shall be
subject to "arrest" by Posse members
and will appear before this court of
5:00-6:00 PM - KANGROO COURT ....... Village Square
Judge: J.E. "Emmett" Maider
8:00-9:30 PM - KANGROO COURT ....... Village Square
Judge: W.F. "Bill" Ward
Continued on Page 5
Page Maintenance: Email John Northover